Native Sun Live in Denver

Here's a video from a Native Sun show I did in Denver, Colorado at Ophelia's Electric Soapbox this past fall. We had a great time out there and met a lot of talented artists and musicians. The song on this video is Livin The Life from our album Undeniable. Also if you are a participant in my campaign on Patreon be sure to look for your name at the end of the video.

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My Patreon campaign is easy and simple. You can support my music by pledging $1 per month and in return you get my album Optique for free plus weekly music that is only for my patrons. There is no long term commitment and you can stop donating whenever you choose. If you wish to pledge more than $1 per month there are additional rewards available.


The Art of Hip Hop Live Performance with Native Sun


How to go from Church Musician to Playing in the REAL World