Terrance Martin's Think of You (Cover)

Terrace Martin's I Think of You performed with guitar, bass and keyboards. I used a Road Worn 60's Fender Jazz Bass and Epiphone Dot Studio guitar with Ableton Live 9 to record this video. I also used Ableton Live 9 and Native Instruments Guitar Rig 4 to add effects to the bass and guitar signals.

Also I'm preparing a new series of concerts for my supporters on Patreon (my patrons). These concerts will be live streamed and I'll be able to acknowledge and communicate with you all in real time. I'll also be including a lot of background stories and advice pertaining to music. 

If you want to participate in these live steams please click the Become a Patron button underneath the video. I'm about halfway to the goal I need to start producing the concerts. So I would greatly appreciate a small pledge of $5 from you. Thanks!


A Live Jazz Mashup of Miles Davis and The Pharcyde


Here's a Recap from My Last Show at The Greenwich