You Should Listen to Nappy Head by Clint Breeze

Last November while working my regular Monday night gig in Indianapolis at The Chatterbox Jazz Club, a fellow musician and producer Clint Breeze approached me about doing some session work on his upcoming album Nappy Head. He had the album pretty much done but was in need of some keyboard and synthesizer parts for his title track. The deadline for the recording process was quickly approaching and he was in a bind.

My Native Sun bandmate Sleepy suggested I play the keyboard parts for the song. I was hesitant because I don't consider myself a "real" keyboardist but I've done similar work on my own production. After thinking over it during the course of my gig that night I decided to go ahead and give it a try. I'm glad I made that decision because the entire album turned out to be very dope and I'm very proud to have a small role in the creation of it.

Nappy Head is an excellent representation of Indianapolis hip hop. Clint Breeze did an incredible job of creating a project that is socially relevant, has incredible production and a lineup of brilliant emcees. You can even find Native Sun frontman, B Young featured on the song Lucky (track 18). Please take some time and give this music a listen. If you love hip hop you'll be glad you did. Click the art below to hear it!

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