Universoul Grind Entertainment to Feature Native Sun

Universoul Grind Entertainment is an organization based in Tampa, Florida that produces and curates content for people want to connect with inspiring independent hip hop artists. A few weeks ago I was contacted by UGE’s Caleb and Artisha Williams for an interview with Native Sun. The interview, which will be available for listening on Thursday, January 28th is going to be something you don’t want to miss. We talked in depth about our creative process, inspiration and some unusual facts about each member of the group. 

The process of interviewing with UGE lead me to check out some of the other content on their website and I was thoroughly impressed. There’s a wealth of amazing videos, music and interviews from brilliant artists representing hip hop, spoken word and soul music. UGE is definitely the site to connect with to discover some of the great art currently being created by independent musicians all over the country. Click below to check out a video they recently posted of a Jam Master Jay Tribute featuring TJ Mizell x DJ Scratch.


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