Never Catch Me - MP3 from My Most Watched YouTube Video

Yesterday someone saw my cover video on YouTube of Never Catch Me by Flying Lotus and Kendrick Lamar. The guy was very impressed by it and asked if there was a way he could download the audio of my version of the song. So I offered to send him an mp3 in exchange for him joining my email list. After sending it to him I figured since I've already taken the time to convert the video to an mp3 file, I might as well make it available to everyone I'm connected to. So here it is. You can stream it or download it. So far the video version has gotten nearly 8,000 views and about 100 comments. I'd love to hear what you think of it too. Leave a comment here!


Behind the Curtain


Kendrick Lamar - These Walls (MeeksOnBass Episode 22)